2019 steel, beeswax mixed with turmeric, cardamom, cumin and mustard seeds, ceramics, stick, rock, Chicago
Combination 1.1. steel, beeswax mixed with turmeric, cardamom, cumin and mustard seeds, ceramics, stick, rock, Chicago
Combination 1.2
Found objects, orange peel, Chicago
Combination 2.1
fossil, tile, Dubai & Sicily
Combination 2.2
flowers, found object, Chicago & Bombay
Combination 3
found objects, Chicago & Berlin
are you using your upper story?
Dadi’s wooden stand, found objects, driedpetals, Delhi
We Hold the Sun Well, Variation #2 steel, orange peels, found objects, beeswax mixed with turmeric, cardamom, cumin and mustard seeds